Friday, May 31, 2013

Stuff you might do this summer

1. Schedule vacation time. After all, everyone deserves to have a break every once in a while.
2. If you have a blog and plan to be away from computers, create a buffer.
3. If going on vacation, pack items suitable for where you are going. After all, parkas are not normally considered swim attire in Hawaii.
4. Go outside! Get some fresh air and enjoy some outdoor activities.
5. Check to see what cool things are scheduled for release. You do want to be one of the first to read the next book in a series or see a film, right?
6. Gather a stack of books to read. Whether they are new discoveries or old favorites, reading is an excellent way to spend the summer.
7. Spend time with your family. Do things together. The summer is a great time to catch up on what your family has been up to.
8. Spend time with friends. Perhaps you will have the opportunity to go on vacation with your friends, or maybe you'll just go out for ice cream. Whatever the case, summer is much more fun when spent with friends.
9. Practice a skill. Having trouble crocheting? Then set aside time to get better at it during the summer.
10. Go camping. What better time is there to go out in the wilderness?

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