Wednesday, April 16, 2014


First came the confusion. The object you went to get was not were it was supposed to be. At first you shook your head, and looked around the area. Perhaps you had merely overlooked it. But as the minutes ticked by, your budding frustration steadily grew.
It wasn't there.
Pausing, you tried to remember where you had last seen the object in question. Surely it had been right here, where you were searching. With a frown, you began tapping your fingers against the desk. If it wasn't here, then the object would have to be in the other room.
Your pace was a little faster then normal as you moved to the other room. Looking around, you begin to search for the object. Carefully sorted shelves and tables become disorganized as your frustration morphs into impatience tinged with a hint of anger. The object remains elusive. As you continue to sort through your memory, you remain certain that you had seen the object recently.
A portion of you is certain that it has to be around where you first thought it was. Objects don't get up and walk away, so it had to be around there.
Leaving the now untidy room, you return to the desk. But another search through its contents does not produce to missing object.
Glancing at the clock, you stifle a groan. Due to your searching, you were now late for an appointment. With one last scan of the desk, you head out to the car.
As you pull out of the driveway, thoughts of the lost object linger in your mind. Driving away from your home, part of your mind continues to focus on the object, and you know that it will until the object is found.

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