Friday, April 18, 2014

Uses for a stick

1. You could use it to push buttons on the tv when the remote is missing.
2. After tying a handkerchief to it, you could use it to practice carrying a flag.
3. It could come in handy when you need to poke a pile of mysterious goo.
4. You could draw in the dirt with it.
5. Music could be made by tapping the stick against various objects.
6. By carving into it, you could leave a secret message for someone.
7. If you have an itch on your back, the stick could help you scratch it.
8. When a monster is about to eat you, why not try preventing its mouth from closing by thrusting the stick into it? Just don't use a thin stick.
9. It could be used to pet your cat.
10. You could light it on fire.

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