Wednesday, April 30, 2014

The Sandwich Show

"Welcome to the sandwich show!" Sweeping her arm forward, the little girl surveyed her audience. "Today we have an exciting recipe: dragon roasted peanut butter on pixie rye!"
Turning her attention to table before her, the little girl picked up a clear plastic knife. "Now, when working with anything that has been roasted by a dragon, it is important to use a clear knife. Metal knives will absorb all of the yummy stuff dragon fire adds." Jabbing the plastic knife into a squat glass jar, she scooped out a glop of the brown spread.
"As for pixie rye, it is best when used on Tuesdays and Thursdays. When used on any other day, the bread gets super mushy and will taste like feet." The girl said, plopping the peanut butter onto a thick slice of dark bread.
"It is important not to spread the peanut butter onto the bread, because the embers trapped within will explode if rubbed too much." The little girl said, offering her audience a slow nod as she added another glop of peanut butter to the slice of bread.
"Once you have three spots of peanut butter on the bread, it is time to add your secret ingredient." Reaching for a plastic bag, the girl pulled out a pickle and held it up. "Today our secret ingredient is none other then a unicorn pickle!"
Carefully setting the pickle on top of the peanut butter, the girl licked her lips. "Unicorn pickles are delicious, but can be hard to find due to then being the favorite snack of a unicorn." Letting go of the pickle, the girl picked up a second slice of bread.
"Now is the difficult part. One wrong move, and the juice from the pickle will cause the pixie rye to spontaneously transform into string cheese." Holding her breath, the girl squinted as she placed the slice on top of the pickle.
Letting go, she released a sigh. "And our sandwich is done!" Looking out at the audience, the little girl pointed. "You there! Come on up and try today's recipe!"
The ground trembled as a troll got to his feet and lumbered forward. Upon reaching the table, the troll rubbed his bulbous nose before reaching for the sandwich. With a single bite, it was gone.
"How was it?" The little girl asked. The troll gave a grumbling grunt and held out his hand.
"He liked it!" The girl giggled as she high fived the troll. "And that's all the time we have for today's show, fairies and gentletrolls!"
As the trolls and fairies began to disperse, the little girl turned and climbed up a rope ladder hanging against the wall behind her. It didn't take long for her to reach the candy print curtain at the top of the ladder. Pushing it up, the girl crawled out.
"Suzie, it's time for dinner." The girl's mother said as she appeared in the doorway. "Dear, what are you doing under the bed?"
"I had to feed the trolls. They love my sandwich show!" Suzie answered as she finished crawling out from under the bed and let her candy print blanket fall back into place.

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