Friday, August 21, 2015

Things that can be creepy

1. Eyeshine. You're sitting there, and in the dark corner of the room something shines. Two somethings. Fluffy doesn't seem so sweet with light in her eyes.
2. Waking before your alarm. You've woken early, and the house is silent. Except for those strange noises you keep hearing, and in the darkness, those noises could be anything.
3. Music. Sometimes, a chord is struck while you're listening to a song, and suddenly you don't feel quite as comfortable.
4. Closets. It's just a small room, right? But some closets are more pleasant than others.
5. Unexpected flavors. You get a doughnut. It looks like your favorite kind, and you take a huge bite. Only, it isn't your favorite. Its something odd, a flavor you can't name. And eating something without knowing what it is can be quite unsettling.
6. A smile. Sometimes, you can sense when someone's smile isn't sincere. Other times, you don't consciously realize. But something still makes you uneasy.
7. An empty room. Rooms are rarely empty of anything. When you do come across such a room, it can make you nervous.
8. Vacuums. They start off sounding one way, but then midway through cleaning, it suddenly shifts in volume and tone. But when you check, nothing is clogging it.
9. A dying toy. You know those toys that talk? When one starts to die, the change to its voice can be discomforting.
10. The wind. Sometimes it whistles, sometimes it gently blows. Then there are the moments when it shrieks and howls, or moans like an injured beast. There is a sound of the wind for any occasion.

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