Friday, September 11, 2015

Pleasant things

1. Finding a penny on the ground. Sure, it's not worth much on its own, but finding one is always a nice surprise.
2. Hearing your favorite song play at a store. Sometimes your favorite song isn't popular,but hearing it play in a public place can brighten your day.
3. Children. Kids can be cute, and often offer smiles to anyone they meet. It can be difficult to maintain a sour mood after encountering a happy child.
4. Waking up refreshed in the morning. When you wake feeling good after a restful night, it provides a happy foundation for the rest of the day.
5. A cool glass of water. Sometimes, a refreshing drink is all you need.
6. Running into a friend, Your friends can be a strengthening influence, and there are times when that is all you need.
7. Having a pet. Be it a dog, cat, or even a goldfish, having something there to greet you when you get home is great.
8. Comfortable shoes. Being able to wear something that won't leave your feet aching by the end of the day is quite enjoyable.
9. A quiet moment. With the craziness of daily life, being able to take even a brief moment for yourself is wonderful.
10. Family. Your family can be a pillar of strength and support in your life. Cherish each day with them.

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