Friday, October 14, 2011

Ten Reasons...

Welcome to a new series I'll be doing on Friday!
This series will be ten thoughts I have on a subject. Now this can be anything from folding a piece of paper to building a time machine.
So to start us off, I've picked a rather simple subject:

Why raising a dragon may be hazardous to your health.

1. Young dragons have an insatiable curiosity. This commonly leads to the destruction of new furniture.  
2. During adolescence, some types of dragons cannot control their expulsion of combustible gases. This may lead to minor burns, household fires, and loss of eyebrows.
3. During meal times, some dragons may display aggressive behavior. Please remember to use caution when attempting to remove any dishes from around your dragon.
4. Dragons are notorious kleptomaniacs. Common items taken include jewelry, socks, and car keys. 
5. Due to their rapid growth, dragons are not recommended for families with small children or for people living in large cities.
6. Highly territorial, dragons should not be raised in large numbers. The migration of other animals is also common when introducing a dragon into a new ecosystem.
7. If raised improperly, dragons have a high tendency to become feral.
8. Some types of dragons dislike cold temperatures, and may become irritable if not given the proper climate.
9. Due to acute hearing, it is recommended that all electronic devices be removed from the household before receiving your dragon.
10. Some types of dragons, especially fledglings caught in the wild, may have a preference for human. It is recommended that you report any of these dragons to your local animal control.

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