Wednesday, October 24, 2012

The Djinn and The Vartija: Aura, part I


"What?" She asked as she took another step back.
"I will provide the necessary stimulant to awaken your senses." I answered, no longer moving toward her. "How do you identify the creatures you hunt?" I asked.
The girl offered a shrug. "Normally they introduce themselves by attacking. Some of the less human-like critters show up in the park or by the cliffs. Usually they find me before I find them."
I frowned. "You always let the hunt come to you?"
She nodded. "What else can I do? Its not like critters have neon signs that tell me where they are."
With a soft moan, I shook my head.
How has she survived? How could I have been caught by someone so ignorant?
"Most creatures have a distinct aura. Sensing auras is how the vartija were trained to hunt."
"Okay. How do I sense auras?" She asked, taking another bite from the food she had brought out.
It was possible for djinn to consume the food from this layer, but a majority of it lacked flavor to my species. There was a small selection of delicacies on this layer that I would choose to eat. They were not especially tasty, but the would suffice during my exile.
"Focus your mind on me." I told her. Forsaking the limits I had set at the beginning of my exile, I fully released my aura. By my senses, my aura was the smell of wet charcoal and a lingering mugginess in the air. "Allow your senses to roam. Let them seek for anything out of place, anything that contradicts the surrounding environment."
I waited, considering her aura. I knew that as a vartija, her aura modified itself for each individual that sensed it. Taking a form pleasing to its pray, the aura acted as bait to bring the hunt to the hunter. A wise tactic for one prepared, but idiotic for one as ignorant as this girl.
Pulling myself out of my musings, I spoke.
She frowned. "The air seems more humid then earlier."
"Where? Pinpoint the source."
The girl slowly turned, then met my gaze. "From you. Is that your aura?"
I gave a small nod. "Part of it. Now focus inward, search for something similar in yourself."

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