Friday, May 30, 2014

Things that go together

1. The light and dark. Without one, we wouldn't be able to recognize the other.
2. Peanut butter and jelly. While either alone can be good, when put together in a sandwich they combine to create an interesting flavor.
3. Socks and shoes. Socks are soft and comfortable, and shoes protect your feet. Put them together, and you have comfortable foot protection!
4. Books and bookmarks. When reading a large novel, a bookmark is a wonderful companion. By using one, you eliminate the temptation to dogear the page!
5. Milk and cookies. Hard cookies go quite well with a cup of milk.
6. A hat and a head. Your head could get cold without a hat. Plus, hats are really cool.
7. Cats and a sunny spot. For a cat, many lazy afternoons are spent napping in the sunlight.
8. Hot chocolate and a storm. When the weather outside is bad, it is nice to curl up with a cup of hot chocolate.
9. Lemonade and a picnic. On a hot summer day, a cool meal and a sweet drink can be relaxing.
10. Thread and a tatting shuttle. Although it is possible to tat with just your fingers, a shuttle makes it easier and faster.

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