Wednesday, June 4, 2014

A Dragon's Prize, part four

Staring into the dark, I waited as the boy studied my injuries through the holes the dragon's claws had made in my shirt.
“This will sting.” Voix said as I felt him rub something cool and sticky onto the injuries. My back began to warm as an itching sensation rose from the injuries. My muscles stiffened as the warmth transformed into an inferno, the itching now needles of pain.
Clenching my hands, I fought the scream growing in my throat.
Don't attract the dragon.
Through the pain and heat, I could feel the injuries changing.
Almost as soon as it began, it was over.
Releasing a shuddering breath, I sat down. “What did you do?”
“The dragon has me make a salve. It quickly heals most injuries, though it is not pleasant.” Voix replied as he sat in front of me, near the edge of the light. A small jar rested in his hand, filled with a dark goo. Shifting, I noticed it did hurt less to move now.
“What is that made from?”
“You're better not knowing.” Voix shook his head, fingers closing to conceal the jar.
Pressing my hands to the rough ground, I tried not to think about what he might have just put on my back. “So are you the dragon's servant?” I asked, noticing how pale he was. Voix shifted, turning his head to peer into the dark.
“You could call me that. Whatever the dragon can't do himself, he has me do.” The boy's lips twitched, and he suddenly stood. “Come, I'll give you the tour.”
I frowned. I didn't want to wander around in the dark with a stranger. “I'm not going to go stumble around in the dark.”
Voix shook his head. “You don't have to.” He moved out of the light, footsteps barely echoing through the cavern. Standing, I rubbed my arms. Now that my back wasn't hurting, the chill of still air was more noticeable. I moved closer to the the egg-shaped orb, grateful for the warmth it provided.
A few minutes later, Voix reappeared. This time, I noticed how he squinted as he moved closer to the source of light. Lifting a hand, he pressed a dark scale to the orb. After a moment, the scale began to glow.
“Dragon scales can absorb fire, releasing it as light and heat or transforming it into fuel for the dragon's own fire.” Voix said as he handed the scale to me. It fit in comfortably in the palm of my hand, and the edges were surprisingly smooth.
Moving to the edge of the light, I stepped into the dark
The glow from the scale lit only the area right around me, but it was better then the darkness.
“You'll need to recharge it on the dragonstone, but it can last for a few hours.” Voix said. I hadn't heard him follow me out of the light.
“Come on.” He moved forward, toward one of the tunnels.

With a glance at the light of the dragonstone, I held out the glowing scale and followed the dragon's servant into the darkness.

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