Friday, July 10, 2015

To go out of town

1. You'll be able to experience new things. Like snow in the winter, traffic in the city, the strange silence of a small town, and the different attitudes of people.
2. It gives you a chance to meet new people. Old and young, nice and rude, people are almost impossible to avoid during a trip.
3. You could learn something new. Sure, being at home lets you stay comfortable, but getting out and about means you could get firsthand experience on how to gut a fish, catch a cab, or even change a tire.
4. It means a chance to try new food. Yes, a lot of places have similar cooking styles or restaurants, but how could you not try something new while on your adventure?
5. It could be fun. The trip to wherever you're going could be a bit dull, but once you get there, the fun begins.
6. You could get a souvenir. Few trips are truly over until you have some knick-knack to take home. I suggest those little rock animals that can be found at gas stations.
7. It'll give you something to write to friends and family about. Even if it is just a postcard, being able to share a part of your trip with others is almost a valid excuse for the trip. Almost.
8. You'll be able to escape undesirable weather. Be it heat or the cold, a trip to somewhere with the opposite weather can be quite enjoyable.
9. You'll be more excited about running into a friend or family member. Face it, seeing your aunt Agatha a home isn't nearly as exciting as see her in the middle of a hiking trail.
10. It will give you an opportunity to relax. Most people leave town so that they can enjoy some time off from the normal routine. That's fine, so long as you don't overdo it to the point that you lose all desire to return to your normal life.

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