Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Pizza delivery, part XXV

We can't.”
I stared at the old wizard. Can't?
Why not?”
Tigernach shifted his staff and leaned against it. “We don't know how. Frankly, I was surprised when Miach said he'd brought you through to our world.”
Miach smirked at that, though the look faded when he caught my gaze. “Just do whatever you did to bring me here.”
It won't work.” Miach shook his head. “I think it was your connection to the delivery bag that got you through. Without a similar anchor and a strong magical pull from your world, I don't see how it could succeed.”
I shook my head, biting back a laugh. “So this entire trip has been a waste!” Everything I'd done to get here with Callan's band, just to be told I couldn't get home? It was too much.
Perhaps not a waste.” Tigernach said slowly, motioning around the room. “You've seen wonders none of your world can claim to have seen. You helped slay a dragon, and somehow tamed a wraith. You're in the royal palace, and have met the most prized princess in all the land. What more could you desire?”
I stared at him.
If these people were my only option, then I'd never get home.
Luckily, I'm friends with a wizard.

Take me to the Blue Belle.”

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