Friday, June 26, 2015

Foods that can be cooked on a stick

1. Marshmallows. Whenever there is a fire, a stick, and a bag of marshmallows, someone will decide to make s'mores.
2. Hot dogs. Roasting hot dogs over a fire is really fun, and one of the tastier ways you can cook a hot dog.
3. Rolls. Got some pop and bake rolls or biscuits? Take one and roll it into a long rope, then wrap that around your stick. As long as it isn't too thick, you'll end up with a soft on the inside, crunchy on the outside bread.
4. A fish. Skewer that fish and plant it near the fire. After a while, you'll have a delicious fish to consume.
5. Vegetables. Just cut them up and slide them onto your stick, and you'll have a kebab ready to roast.
6. Popsicle! Alright, technically you're not cooking it, but when making your own popsicles, you have to put in a stick at some point. Otherwise you'll just have flavored ice cubes...
7. Chicken. Chicken roasted over a fire is yummy. Even if you get some dirt on it.
8. Curly french fries. You'll just have to wrap it around the stick!
9. Bacon wrapped mushrooms. Step one, wrap bacon around mushroom. Step two, skewer mushroom and ends of the bacon. Step three, roast over fire.
10. A banana. And afterwards, you can dip it in chocolate for a tasty treat.

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