Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Pizza delivery, part XXIII

Walking to the right of the litter, I couldn't help feeling out of place. The soldier with the green sash had positioned me here, and the finely dressed men had stopped talking.
Even after ten minutes of walking, the only sound was of their boots against the street.
I kept my gaze on the soldiers ahead, resisting the urge to look at the litter. What was I supposed to do when we reached wherever this procession was headed? Entertain the princess with the story of how Smoky slayed the dragon?
The road turned, and suddenly the palace was ahead.
It was even more grand up close. Fanciful scrollwork covered the columns leading up to a set of doors engraved with a dragon and an al'mi'raj crossing horns above a sword.
The procession stopped.
Turning toward the litter, I noticed the finely dressed men were bowing. So I slipped into an awkward bow as well.
I heard the litter's curtains rustle, then soft steps.
Amber slippers peeked out from beneath a scarlet gown.
"Rise, dragonslayer." Her voice was honey sweet, and I straightened to get my first look at Princess Kevine. Flaxen hair framed a delicate face, where hazel eyes that were more green than brown winked at me. "What is your name?"
"Alex, Your Highness." I said, trapped within her gaze. She smiled, eyes crinkling.
"Mister Alex, it would please me if you were my escort."
What was I supposed to say to that? Why hadn't Brend included conversations with royalty in everything he'd taught me about this world?
"It would be your pleasure." Smoky's voice broke through my thoughts.
"It would be my pleasure, Your Highness." I said, finally breaking free of her gaze to dip my head.
"Offer your arm." Smoky commanded, and I obeyed.
Her hand wrapped around it, the fabric of her glove softer than anything I'd ever felt.
Flanked by the finely dressed men, we headed toward the engraved doors leading into the palace.

Through that afternoon, I learned that the finely dressed men were Princess Kevine's suitors. The princess never let me stray from her side as she watched the men compete for her attention.
To say it was uncomfortable would be an understatement.
When two men with staves walked into the parlor, the princess lifted a hand. "You are all excused." She said, offering each of her suitors a smile. The men bowed, and filed out.
When I shifted to follow them, the princess placed her hand on my arm. “Please, wait.”
There was a strange tone in her voice, and it took me a moment to figure out what it was.
I settled back into my seat. The two men came forward. The first was wizened and white haired, leaning against his aged staff like a classic wizard would. The second was probably only a few years older than Brend, and had a defiant jut to his chin.
They both bowed to the princess, then the eldest spoke.
"Mister Alex, I am Tigernach, the court wizard." Motioning toward the younger man, Tigernach's hand shook. "And this is my apprentice, Miach."
The apprentice glowered at me, and I wondered why he seemed to dislike me so much. "I've a friend who's a wizard."
Tigernach nodded. "Brend O'Nolan. A good lad." Miach stiffened at his master's words, hands clenching. "But our business is with you, Mister Alex."
"Why me?" I asked, and felt the princess shift beside me.
"I'm afraid we owe you an apology." Princess Kevine said as she stood. When I moved to stand, she held up a hand. "Please, wait."
Uncomfortable in my seat, I watched her move to stand beside Tigernach. Turning to face me, the princess offered a faint smile that didn't reach her eyes.
"We are responsible for your displacement from your world."

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