Friday, June 12, 2015

To pay attention to your surroundings

1. If you don't, you could get hurt. If you'd been watching where you walked instead of focusing on the book in your hand, would you have run into that wagon?
2. So you won't miss anything interesting. Cool stuff happens all the time. But if you aren't aware of what is happening around you, then how will you know?
3. You'll be able to help others. Sometimes you're not the one who can't focus. So when your friend asks what the assignment in third period was, you could be the one with the answer.
4. So you don't lose track of what you were doing. It is easy to get distracted. But if you focus on where you are, then you might be able to keep in mind what you were going to do.
5. So you don't get left behind. Sometimes, your surroundings include a particular group. If you forget to watch your group, then you could end up without a ride home.
6. Because things often change. Sure, you've walked this path a dozen times. Then how come you didn't realize that they built a new complex in what used to be an empty field?
7. Because something could inspire you. When in search of an idea, sometimes they are within your line of sight. So stop wondering where you'll get the next great idea and look around you!
8. There are other people around you. Crazy concept, right? But it's true. Smart people, funny people, people who'll make you think. If you're stuck in your own little world, then all these people worth knowing will slip past you. Don't let them.
9. So you'll know if something needs to change. It is easy to fall into a routine and let things fade into the background. But sometimes, something within that routine needs to be changed. If you don't take some time to look at it, then that thing will be left unchanged.
10. Because otherwise you won't know where you are. Have you ever been so deep in thought that you end up not remembering how you got somewhere? That's not a fun feeling. So save yourself from the discomfort by paying attention to where you're going.

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