Wednesday, March 20, 2013

The garage sale

At a garage sale, you can find many interesting things. Golf clubs, books, and sweaters are among the usual items found. Rarer items like antique tatting shuttles can be found from time to time as well.
Timothy had seen a lot of garage sales in his short thirteen years, for his mother actively sought them out. After they found one, she would meticulously search through all the common things for the rarities, then slyly haggle until she could purchase them for the price she desired.
So Timothy wasn't as surprised as any other boy his age would be when he pull out a jar of teeth from a basket of various toys.
He studied the teeth, then turned over the jar and read the label. Hen's Teeth.
 "That's weird." Timothy said as he set the jar down and continued looking through the toys. He couldn't think of what his mother might do with hen's teeth, or what anyone could use them for. After some more digging, he came across another jar. This one was filled with small green scales. Dragon Scales was written on this jar's label. Timothy set it by the first jar, then took a moment to see how his mother's search was going. She was sorting through a stack of magazines.
Returning to the basket of toys, Timothy hoped that there wouldn't be anymore strangely filled jars. But after a few minutes, his hand brushed against something warm. He pulled it out, releasing a quiet groan as he realized that it was another jar. Filled with red and orange feathers, this jar felt warm in his hand. Timothy looked at the label. 
 Phoenix Down
 Curious, Timothy tried turning the band. It unscrewed quite easily, practically leaping off of the lid. Setting down the band, Timothy looked around. No one was paying attention to him. He looked at the jar, closed only with a metal lid. Picking up a butter knife he had fished out of the toys earlier, he pressed it against the lid.
The lid flew off. The feathers burst into flame. Timothy dropped the jar and stumbled back. The flames died after a moment: revealing a fluffy chick.
A wrinkled hand tightened around Timothy's shoulder. He looked up at a old woman.
"You broke it. You've bought it. Five dollars please."

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