Friday, August 15, 2014

Shows I enjoy

1. Star Trek. I'm a Trekkie, and quite enjoy the philosophical and ethical dilemmas that the characters face in many episodes. I also enjoy the designs of the different aliens, the use of red shirts to reveal the threat of the week, and the starships.
2. Dragons: Riders of Berk and Defenders of Berk. As you might already know, I love dragons. And these series do a good job of expanding the How to Train your Dragon universe, while maintaining the core characteristics of the characters you loved from the movie. New dragons, new dangers, and you get to keep the stuff you already liked? I like it!
3. Doctor Who. I'm a fan of time travel, and of a main character that can have drastic changes happen to them, but still be at the core the character that you've grown to love. And I love a good monster that challenges the characters.
4. Studio C. I enjoy sketch comedy that is fun not only the first time you see it, but with additional viewings. I also like when the humor is appropriate and entertaining for the entire family.
5. Once Upon a Time. I love fairy tales, magic, and well written villains. With this show, I get all three! It is quite fun to try and figure out what fairy tale or story that will play a part in an episode, and I love watching as the character growth, and how a character's growth will also affect the other characters.
6.  Rugrats. The characters in this cartoon can make me laugh and smile. It is fun to see simple things from the perspective of babies, then end up on an adventure because of their imaginations.
7. Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. I enjoy a group of characters learning to become a team. Most of all, I love continuity. When something takes place in the same universe as other stories, I love when there are references made to the events that happened in those other stories. It's a wonderful thing when the world-building is shown and added upon constantly.
8. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. I enjoy the cast of characters and their growth, the catchy songs, and how the lessons on friendship are delivered in an enjoyable manner.
9. Eureka. I like when highly intelligent characters are able to interact with a character of regular intelligence, and have both be equally amazing. And with lot of amusing scenes mixed in with those of the cast trying to save their town from the latest technological crisis, this is one of my favorite shows to watch again and again.
10. Warehouse 13. I like when a simple object is given fantastical abilities. It's even more fun when the characters need to go out and collect these objects before they cause too much trouble.

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